Unrelated, But Not Uninteresting

What happens when we stray outside the healthcare space.

The Story
Every now and then we get the opportunity to do work that's not for the healthcare industry. Those assignments keep it interesting and give us the chance to learn about what's going on in other types of businesses that might benefit our healthcare clients.

Harvard Business School
The HBS Class of 1963 recently celebrated its 50th reunion, and we were asked to "come up with something special" to mark the occasion. Our answer was a hardcover book and companion website, titled If I Knew Then.  The book and site share the collective wisdom of this very accomplished class on matters such as career, family, wealth, and charity. The bottom line: no matter what your net worth is, it's not about the money. The other bottom line is that the website has garnered worldwide attention, with more than 650,000 pageviews and mentions in Parade, Huffington Post, and Bloomberg Business Week.


Do or Die (Razorfish) 
When Clark Kokich, chairman of Razorfish — one of the world's largest digital agencies — set his sights on publishing a book, he had a powerful premise, but lacked a writer. That's when he recruited Larry Asher to collaborate on Do or Die, the first full-length business book published as an iPad app. Do or Die builds the case of why marketers should quit relying exclusively on the one-way monologues of traditional advertising in favor of using digital technology to give consumers an actual experience, something useful, or reduce some pain point. While the iPad and Kindle Fire versions of Do or Die includes case studies from Nike, VW, Vail, Coors and others, video interviews with industry leaders, and a host of interactive features, the text-only version is available for Kindle and Nook.


Vulcan Real Estate
In Seattle's South Lake Union neighborhood, Paul Allen's Vulcan Real Estate is remaking an entire 320-acre section of the city as a hub for biotech, high tech, retail, and car-free living. Worker Bees — which has called South Lake Union home since its founding in 1992 — has handled a variety of marketing projects for Vulcan, including magazine ads, posters, the visitor center video, interactive wayfinding kiosks, and the discoverslu.com website